Potential Reprieve for Millers Point Residents

Potential Reprieve for Millers Point Residents

5 August 2015

Alex Greenwich, the Independent Member for Sydney, has welcomed a commitment from the Minister for Social Housing, Brad Hazzard, to consider re-thinking the government’s forced relocation of all Millers Point social housing residents.

In a letter to Mr Greenwich, the Minister said:

“I am actively considering the question of whether there should be exceptions, extensions or alternative measures for tenants in particular extenuating circumstances”

The full letter is available HERE

Mr Greenwich said:

“Millers Point has been a safe and stable home for many tenants who are aged, frail and have complex needs. Forced evictions of these tenants would cause avoidable harm to their health and mental health”

“I appreciate the time the minister has taken to meet with and hear from the residents of Millers Point and his compassionate consideration of alternatives that could keep some tenants in the community they have built”

The Minister reiterated his commitment in Question Time today in response to a question from the member for Sydney. This follows a meeting with residents and tour of the area organised my Mr Greenwich with the minister and Lord Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore.  

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