Aboriginal Flag

Aboriginal Flag

There are few obvious signs in the city of our Aboriginal history and I support the community campaign to permanently fly the Australian Aboriginal Flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Currently it is flown only on Australia Day, National Apology Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week in place of the state flag.  

The Aboriginal flag is an official Australian flag that symbolises Aboriginal people’s unity and identity and is flown adjacent to the national and state flags in civic buildings including Parliament House. We have a lot of work to do to close the gap in Aboriginal disadvantage and to eliminate discrimination; permanently flying the flag would help show our willingness to stand and work together.

In 2017, I lodged the campaign’s petition with over 500 signatures and the government said the bridge cannot support three flag poles. Last week the petition returned with over 10,000 signatures and the minister said he will take another look at the matter.

During debate I argued that Sydneysiders are proud to live in a city with one of the oldest living cultures in the world and there is no reason that three flags cannot fly on the bridge. I congratulate the inspiring Cheree Toka, who has spearheaded this grassroots campaign. My speech: HERE

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!