Adrian Boss

Adrian Boss

(Community Recognition Statement, 17 February 2021, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I wish to put on record the more than two decades of support and advocacy that Adrian Boss has carried for the eastern suburbs cycling community.

Adrian has for many years been a key advocate representing BIKEast, working with local MPs, councils and transport agencies to improve safety and access for bike riders, giving up many volunteer hours to work on feedback to plans and strategies, and pressure agencies to fix problems that risk safety and access. In particular, he's been a strategic campaigner for a joined-up cycling network so that bike riders have safe and connected route from the eastern suburbs into the city. More recently Adrian established the local chapter of Cycling Without Age, a non-profit charity that by volunteer cyclists giving people unable to ride themselves free rides on trishaw e-bikes. This inspiring project allows elderly less mobile people feel the wind in their hair and experience the joy of riding. I thank Adrian for his long term contribution to the community and to helping improve safety and access for bike riders so they can enjoy this great mode of transport.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!