Alex's Update Issue 173
Tuesday 14 June 2016
Biodiversity Threat, Central to Eveleigh, Refugee Week, Orlando Tragedy, Circus Animals, Visit Parliament and ‘ICE’ Breaker
Biodiversity Threat
Before clearing native vegetation on private property got restricted, hundreds of thousands of hectares of biodiverse rich land were destroyed every year in NSW. Now the NSW Government is proposing to adopt a scheme similar to Queensland’s which increased clearing to almost 300,000 hectares a year. Private land provides essential carbon sinks and habitat to threatened species like the koala; the proposed bills are a recipe for massive destruction and potential extinction at a time when we need to protect what is left.
Environment groups are alarmed by the potential destruction to our biodiversity and are calling on people across the state to oppose the draft bills. You can find guides to writing a submission at – comment due by 28 June. My submission strongly opposes the proposed ‘Sustain, Invest, Protect: A new approach to land management and conservation in NSW’, which will have the opposite outcome. Read my submission HERE.
Central To Eveleigh
Lord Mayor Clover Moore is hosting a public meeting on current proposals for redevelopment in the Central to Eveleigh precinct 6.30-8pm Wednesday 15 June at The Theatre Bay 4, Australian Technology Park, 2 Locomotive Street Eveleigh.
Council’s assessment shows population densities greater than anything else in Australia with up to 108,000 residents and buildings up to 32 storeys, as well as proposals to rezone adjacent areas. Council’s CEO memo on the current proposals is HERE.
Refugee Week
The launch of Refugee Week 2016 is on 10am-12.00pm Friday 17 June at the Inner West Refugee Hub, Building 504, Wharf Road Callan Park, with inspiring refugee voices
live music and performances, the 2016 NSW Humanitarian Awards and morning tea.
Seating is limited so you need to book: telephone 9211 9333 or email [email protected]. Refugee Week runs from 19-25 June more information at
Orlando Tragedy
I attended the Taylor Square vigil for LGBT community members killed and injured in Orlando at the recent tragic shooting in the Pulse Nightclub. More work is needed on a number of fronts: to prevent homophobia and hate crimes, to ensure that firearms are not easily available or in the wrong hands, to provide support for people with a mental illness and to prevent radicalisation and terrorist acts. If you need to speak with someone, try QLife Australia telephone 1800 184 527, beyondblue telephone 1300 224 636 or Lifeline telephone 131 114.
I hope that everyone angered and disgusted at this event will use their voice to help stop bigotry and hatred.
Circus Animals
I will sponsor an Animal Justice Party bill in the lower House to restrict the types of animals that can be used in circuses. Forcing animals to undergo a lifetime of travelling long distances, being trapped in tiny cages and subjected to harsh training regimes so they can do tricks on command is a cruel and archaic form of entertainment. Making wild and non-domestic animals perform unnatural stunts is fast becoming unacceptable in society and it’s time the Parliament put an end to this cruelty.
Details are HERE.
Visit Parliament
You can take a free guided tour of NSW Parliament from 1.15pm every Monday or Friday, including through the Legislative Chambers and the historic Parkes, Wentworth and Jubilee rooms, with background on the role, history and work of the Parliament. There are free art exhibitions on the Fountain Court walls and a public café. Information: telephone 9230 2219 or email [email protected].
You can also see Parliament behind the scenes during the free evening program ‘A Little Solstice Sitting’ on Tuesday 21 June 6-8pm, with Paul Brunton of the State Library of NSW discussing the history and survival of the Rum Hospital (celebrating its 200th anniversary this year), how the colony’s first hospital came to be Australia’s first legislature and visit the galleries of the Legislative Assembly and Council. Bookings: 9230 2047 or email [email protected].
‘ICE’ Breaker
The Surry Hills Community Drug Action Team is holding an information session on crystalline methamphetamine ‘ice’ targeting young people 11am-1pm Friday 24 June at OASIS, 365 Crown Street Surry Hills. Information HERE.