Alex's Update Issue 196
22 November 2016
Biodiversity Fail, ICAC Undermined, High School Update, Edgecliff Stalled, Millers Point Sings For Joy, Christmas in Pyrmont, Give a Dog a Bone
NSW has one of the worst extinction rates in the world; much of our landscape is cleared and remnant native vegetation fragmented. Land clearing has global impacts through biodiversity loss and carbon emissions and it is now more important than ever that we protect the remaining native fauna, flora and ecosystems.
Yet the government pushed through legislation to repeal land clearing laws so that landowners can clear native vegetation without oversight. The laws mimic those in Queensland which tripled clearing rates to 300,000 hectares a year; under the current system in NSW it is 10,000 hectares a year. Most farmers are good stewards of the land and many don’t support the legislation because it will reduce soil and water quality, and increase salinity. My speech is HERE.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption investigates, exposes and deters corruption of the government and members of Parliament, and the recent Operation Spicer under the current commissioner exposed many colleagues and former members of the government. So it was appalling that the government introduced and pushed through all stages legislation to sack the sitting commissioner and make it harder for investigations to go to public hearing. I opposed the bill, supporting amendments to ensure the sitting commissioner continues under the new structure. My speech is HERE.
Information booths for the new Cleveland Street high school are on Tuesday 22 November 3:30-4:30pm at Darlinghurst Public School; Thursday 24 November 3:30-4:30pm at Crown Street Public School; Tuesday 29 November 3:30-4:30pm at
Bourke Street Public School and Thursday 15 December 5:30-7pm at Surry Hills Shopping Village. Information HERE.
In response to my latest question about the promised upgrade of the Edgecliff Railway Station and bus interchange, the minister says that the concept design stage is finished, but detailed design won’t be done until the end of 2017, and no date is set for construction to be completed!
The proposed upgrade includes lift access, drop-off facilities and an improved bus interchange. My question is HERE.
Celebrate the Millers Point community with choirs and film preview at ‘Sing For Joy’ on 26 November 2pm at Abraham Mott Hall Argyle Street. The event launches the crowdfunding campaign for the documentary ‘Forced Out’, which features this community’s stories. Event Information HERE.
City of Sydney grants will fund the film and Redfern Legal Centre help for tenants forced to move. The Environment Defenders Office is representing the local community in two separate court challenges – one to the location of the Crown casino on parkland at Barangaroo and the other on failing to give heritage protection to the Sirius building. Keep up to date HERE.
Pyrmont residents again plan a range of activities for Christmas in Pyrmont on Sunday 27 November 11am-4pm John Street. There will be market stalls, variety acts and kids activities – all raising funds for local charities. Details HERE.
‘Give a Dog a Bone, Keep Kitty Happy’ supports pet rescue groups and organisations helping homeless people with pets, including Greyhound Rescue, RSPCA Yagoona, Monika’s Doggy Rescue and HIV support services. Drop off donations of pet food, treats and toys for cats and dogs at my office or one of the other 20 drop-off points. Information HERE or HERE.