Alex's Update Issue 209
Tuesday 14 March 2017
Short Term Rentals, More Flexible Fines, Garden Island Upgrade, March for Millers Point and Harmony & Children’s Festivals
Short Term Rentals
In response to my question in Parliament, the new Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation promised that the government will consider strata residents’ rights to peace and security in their homes when it responds to the short term letting inquiry next month. Strata management must be democratic with owners corporations able to vote on the terms that short term letting is permitted in buildings, including to ban the practice. My question is HERE.
Increasingly I am also hearing from terrace home residents concerned about short term let party houses on their street and I will push for a legal framework that protects their amenity and safety.
More Flexible Fines
Over 17,000 offences attract a fine while for many fines can be inconvenient, socially and economically disadvantaged people can experience hardship from accumulated fines. The fines commission has been required to cancel the driver’s licence or car registration of someone who defaults on their fine before taking other civil action, but for some debtors, this can mean not being able to work and falling further into debt.
In Parliament I supported a government bill to provide more flexibility in enforcing a fine. During debate I called for more guidance in considering a fine defaulter’s personal circumstances to ensure the process is comprehensive and guarantees fairness. My speech is HERE.
March for Millers Point
Join the local community at the rally in support of the remaining tenants of Sirius, Dawes Point & Millers Point Sunday midday Sunday 19 March at the Kent Street Fire Station and march down Kent Street to the Village Green. There’s a sausage sizzle after the rally. Information is HERE.
Garden Island Upgrade
The Commonwealth Government proposes to demolish existing Cruiser and Oil wharves at Garden Island and build a new larger facility. Two information sessions will display the proposal: Wednesday 22 March 4-7pm and Saturday 25 March 10.30am-1.30pm, both at Juanita Nielson Centre Nicholson Street Woolloomooloo.
Stage 1 of the ‘Garden Island (East) Critical Infrastructure Recovery Program’ is subject to a federal parliamentary committee and you can make submissions by 29 March HERE. Project details are HERE.
Harmony Day & Children's Festivals
National Harmony Day is 21 March, with lots of local events, information HERE.
The Children's Festival is on again Sunday 19 March at First Fleet Park, The Rocks from 11am-5pm, with over 30 groups from schools, youth groups and multicultural communities providing entertainment. Details are HERE.