Alex's Update Issue 260
Tuesday 17 April 2018
Allianz Rebuild, Vaping Protections, Local Sports Grants, Hanson Concrete, Status Resolution Support & Heritage Festival
Let Infrastructure NSW know your views on demolishing and rebuilding the Sydney Football Stadium. There are drop-in sessions at the Captains Bar, Level 2, Sydney Football Stadium Driver Avenue Thursday 3 May 5-8pm, Tuesday 8 May 5-8pm and Saturday 12 May 10am-1pm.
You can also provide feedback by telephone 1800 931 109, email [email protected] or online at HERE
The state government extended current smoking bans in public places, like licensed venues and public transport, to electronic cigarettes. People can still vape in outdoor smoking areas and in their homes. There is mixed evidence that electronic cigarettes can help people give up smoking and/or encourage people to start smoking. However it is clear that e-cigarette vapour contains serious health hazards including particulate matter, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds and metals.
In Parliament, I supported the changes because it is important that people are able to avoid toxins from electronic cigarette vapour. My speech: HERE
I’m pleased to announce grants to a number of sporting groups to buy equipment and promote their clubs:
- Mavericks Dragon Boat Club will run first aid courses and buy safety equipment;
- The Sloths Dragon Boat Club will hold Paddle Open Days;
- Blackwattle Bay Dragon Boat Club will buy new paddles;
- Bluefins Dragon Boat Team will buy a custom built trailer to transport canoes;
- Maccabi NSW will hold a Junior Carnival;
- Achilles Running Club will buy membership software; and
- Sydney CBD Football Club will buy equipment and team kits.
Plans for a concrete batching plant at Glebe Island are on exhibition for community comment until 15 May. Hanson has to move from Blackwattle Bay to make way for the new fish market and demand for concrete in the city is increasing with major projects including the disgraceful WestConnex. Details: HERE
I will review the proposal and make a submission to protect adjacent residents from impacts like noise and pollution. Please let me know your concerns.
Asylum seekers depend on minimal payments through the Status Resolution Support Service’s basic living allowance, casework, and torture/trauma counselling. The Commonwealth Government plans to cut this program, leaving thousands of people with nothing but access to a computer at an employment agency.
I’ve heard from asylum seekers how important this program is to getting back on their feet and I’ve asked the minister to reinstate the program. Send a message to the Prime Minister through the Refugee Council of Australia campaign: HERE
The Australian Heritage Festival this year focusses on the diversity of cultures that have shaped our shared heritage. It launches on 18 April, International Day for Monuments and Sites and continues to 20 May: HERE