Alex's Update Issue 53
New School, Planning Bill, Mardi Gras Policing, Sydney Girls High School 130th, Have your say on Oxford Street, REELise Film Festival, Public Housing Project and Year in Review
Following our strong community campaign the Education Department has decided to seek funding to build a new Ultimo Public School for 1,000 students on the former Wattle Street Depot site. The Inner Sydney Schools Working Party, established in my first week as an MP unanimously adopted this recommendation. We need to make sure that the Government allocates funds, and plans include childcare.
Congratulations to the school community for their work. The Working Party will now move to look at an inner city public high school, and I’ve asked for the Community for Local Options for Secondary Education (CLOSE) to be included. I updated Parliament on our progress HERE
The Legislative Assembly reconvened on Thursday to consider amendments to the planning bills made in the Legislative Council, but the Government postponed the debate and vote until next year, claiming changes ruined the bills. I support most changes particularly reinstating provisions to encourage new affordable housing but the bills continue to give developers ways to override councils and strategic plans, and the long standing ecological sustainable development principle remains absent from the bills. I will keep you informed of progress when Parliament resumes.
Following the dismissal of charges against one of those arrested at this year’s Mardi Gras parade, the Government should seriously consider the community's call for an independent police oversight body. My question to the Premier is HERE.
I’ve called on the Government to commit to the community's recommendations for policing reform. See the comprehensive report from Mardi Gras, the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, Inner City Legal Centre and ACON HERE
Congratulations to Sydney Girls High School for 130 years of excellence in learning. My commendation on the oldest state girls school in Parliament is HERE
Check out the Public Housing Goes Public, TURF installation at the Surry Hills Library Court from 5-9 December. TURF showcases art by public housing residents in a purpose-built traveling replica of a public housing unit. Information HERE
Add your ideas to the Activate Oxford Street project, which is looking for innovative ways to rebuild this high street shopping strip. Comment in the online survey HERE
Charlotte Dawson is ambassador for the REELise Film Festival project, which targets cyberbullying. Submit a short film made on your mobile phone and attend the film festival. Details HERE
Have a great week
Alex Greenwich MP
Independent Member for Sydney
PS. Check out my Year in Review video HERE and share with me your thoughts for next year via my survey HERE