Anti-Poverty Week
I support the Anti-Poverty Week campaign to help individuals, families, and children out of poverty > HERE.
Two key steps would dramatically improve the lives of nearly three and a quarter million Australians: raise income support above the poverty line and invest in social housing. Support the Raise the Rate for Good and Everybody’s Home campaigns.
The Equity Economics report ‘Nowhere to Go’ estimated that the lack of social housing means 7,690 women return to violent partners and 9,120 women become homeless each year. The report shows that Commonwealth Government $7.6 billion investment in 16,800 extra homes would give immediate economic benefits of $15.3 billion and create 47,000 new jobs. Support the call for more social housing > HERE.
Social security payments are now as low as $44 (JobSeeker) and $36 (Youth Allowance) per day – well below the poverty line. The poorest adults and children living under pandemic lockdowns in 2021 have been excluded from COVID Disaster Payments. The ANU ‘Financial Stress and Social Security Settings in Australia’ modelling shows a 20 percent increase in JobSeeker payments would reduce poverty rates by as much as 75 percent. Support the Raise the Rate call for increased social security payments > HERE.