Better Night Time

Better Night Time

(Update, 30 September 2019)

As deputy chair of the inquiry into Sydney’s Night Time Economy, I’m proud of the report and recommendations we’ve produced, including the recommended repeal of the lockout legislation in the CBD and Oxford Street. Our report provides the government with a path to bring the party back to Sydney in safe and vibrant way.

I support the repeal of the lockouts in Kings Cross where there is still a concentration of late night liquor licences. We need to make sure we get the balance right between density of venues and diversity of offerings. The report recommends the City of Sydney and State Government work towards this over the next 12 months.

I hope the government will move urgently on recommendations and our night time economy will once again be flourishing and fun by Mardi Gras 2020. Good things can happen after 1.30am; I met my husband on the dance floor in an Oxford Street gay bar and hope others will also be able to. 

The report: HERE

I also welcome the Legislative Council vote to disallow the regulation on music festivals, which threatened to destroy them in NSW. The government will now have an opportunity to develop better rules that make festival safer and remain viable.

The Sydney Morning Herald article is HERE

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