Business Vote Costs $12m
5 August 2015
The latest City of Sydney council report on business voting identifies the $12 million cost of setting up a business roll for the 2016 council elections. It notes the integrity risks, as the system can be rorted by vested interests, dilutes citizens’ votes and allows the council to manage the electoral roll, not the independent electoral commissioner. Further information is HERE.
I spoke at the meeting to reiterate my opposition to this flawed model, and committed to reintroduce my business voting bill if the government fails to work with the City of Sydney to fix these problems. My bill would create a permanent business and ratepayers register for businesses to add their details to at any time, details which the electoral commission would confirm prior to each election and use to create the business and ratepayers electoral roll. This simple system would ensure integrity of the roll and be much cheaper.
A healthy democracy is built on independent elections that give all members of the community equal access and voice, no matter how much money they earn or how much tax they pay.