Casino Bill Must Not Be Rushed
Alex Greenwich, the member for Sydney, has called on the Government to not rush granting a second casino licence to James Packer’s Crown Casino without community consultation and safe-guards to protect people at risk of problem gambling.
Mr Greenwich said:
“To date the community has been completely excluded with decisions fast tracked behind closed doors”
“With no tender process, changes to the unsolicited proposals process and lack of consultation, community confidence in the project is low”
Mr Greenwich said the legislation must lock in the Assessment Panel’s call for appropriate conditions, including third party exclusion procedures to protect families from the negative social impacts of gambling:
“We know gambling destroys lives and relationships and brings financial hardships on families. The government must consult with peak problem gambling experts to provide strong safeguards in the legislation”
Mr Greenwich opposes the Casino and said the suggestion that gaming in the casino would be limited to so-called “high-rollers” was a furphy:
“With minimum bets as low as $20 and computerised multi-player gaming terminals throughout, it is clear that the casino at Barangaroo may become a hot spot for problem gamblers attracted to the perceived glamour of the casino”
For further information contact the Sydney Electorate Office, telephone 9360 3053.