Children's Mental Health
I welcomed the Government’s announcement about a ‘friends bubble’ for children, allowing home visits for children whose parents are fully vaccinated.
For people aged 18 years and under this will allow some much needed social connection and fun during the school holidays > HERE.
For COVID safe ideas, virtual programs, workshops and activities to keep children and teens entertained in the school holidays > HERE. On Friday 1 October join the Mirri Mirri Cultural Education Session online, part of NSW Parliament’s Free Family Fun School Holiday program > HERE. The NSW Government supported Family Project offers fun daily activities to do in lockdown, plus tips and advice from psychologists and counsellors > HERE.
For many families, lockdown and home schooling has meant a loss of social interaction for kids and increased pressure on parents. NSW is moving closer to a return to face-to-face learning but the last few months have taken a toll on many children including impacting sleep and learning capacity, and increasing anxiety.
#Chatstarter is a federal government resource helping parents and children through the COVID-19 pandemic, with tips and information to help you support a young person who may be experiencing distress including ‘chatstarters’ to help kick off difficult conversations > HERE. Through October parents and carers can join webinars run by Headspace about supporting young people. Check dates and register > HERE.
BRAVE is an interactive, free online program that suggests ways for children and teenagers to cope with worries > HERE. Emerging Minds offer resources and toolkits for supporting the mental health of children and families > HERE. Sleep Health Foundation have helpful factsheets on children’s sleep > HERE.
Kids Helpline is a free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25, phone 1800 55 1800 or > HERE.
Parents also need support. Join forums and chat online with Beyond Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service > HERE or call 1800 512 348. Mensline have resources, phone or online counselling dedicated to fathers > HERE or call 1300 78 99 78. PANDA offer support for people expecting a baby or experiencing early parenthood > HERE or call 1300 726 306.