Community Grants latest round
2 May 2016
Social Housing Community Improvement Fund Grants are open for social housing communities to improve community facilities and open space, improve resident safety or better integrate social housing and the surrounding community. Details are HERE.
City of Sydney Grants programs for building energy and water savings, innovation and matching grants are open now. Check the guidelines for each program if you have project ideas and seek a grant HERE.
Transurban offers small grants for social and environmental benefits for communities where they manage roads. Details HERE.
I was pleased to attend the cheque handover last week for $3,000 to the Haymarket Foundation to support their medical help and crisis accommodation for homeless people.
ACON has small grants to support community events for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT) on 17 May. Information HERE.
There is a good database of funding sources online at