COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic

(Alex's Update 16 March 2020)

We all remain deeply concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. Sydneysiders are very social beings and the cancellation of so many events, social distancing, and self-quarantining is confronting, but critically important. This pandemic will not only impact people’s health, but also people’s jobs, housing security, and the economy as a whole. The federal government’s economic response to Coronavirus is at HERE and the NSW government is expected to announce a stimulus package shortly. 

A national cabinet is considering evidence daily and will be making regular announcements about new measures including for events and gatherings. I’ve passed on community concerns to the health minister’s and premier’s offices.

Stay up to date via HERE or on Facebook at HERE

We need to stop spread of the virus to prevent a major health crisis. Listen to the experts, stay safe and protect your loved ones and vulnerable people who are at greater risk. Current advice is:

  • clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol
  • cover your sneeze or cough with your elbow or with tissue
  • avoid close contact with people who are ill
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • stay home if you are sick

Call the National Coronavirus Health Information line for specific questions, phone 1800 020 080.

Beyond Blue has produced a guide on Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak HERE

The ABC is posting daily ‘Coronacast’ podcasts answering submitted questions: HERE

ACON has produced a useful summary for people with compromised immunity: HERE

Woolworths has announced that their stores will open from 7am to 8am exclusively for people who are elderly or have a disability. I hope other supermarkets will follow suit and that these hours be extended if needed. 

Let’s work together to prevent a major health crisis and maintain a civil society that cares for everyone

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!