Letter on Single Bubbles >
Unfortunately current lockdown restrictions are now set to continue until 30 July. Given pandemic impacts appear likely to continue for some time, it is vital that there is a national plan to support those affected. I welcome the Commonwealth and State financial support package for those who’ve lost jobs and income and business closures during the restriction. COVID support summary: > HERE. Services Australia individual disaster payments: > HERE and business support through Service NSW: > HERE.
The moratorium on evictions, new rules about leases and extra emergency housing for people without a home is much needed. Thanks to all those who supported Deputy Lord Mayor Jess Scully’s campaign for lower thresholds for sole traders and micro-businesses, now reduced from $75,000 to $30,000. Sign the online petition: > HERE.
Unfortunately federal income support is not being provided to people on payments like JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and Austudy where they’ve lost income and cannot cover rent, let alone utilities and food. I’ve asked the federal treasurer to review the guidelines to ensure that these low income earners get the same level of disaster relief. My letter: > HERE.
With Member for Newtown Jenny Leong, I’ve asked the health minister to allow for ‘singles bubbles’ as in Victoria, to allow people who live alone to nominate someone outside their home for social contact and support during the stay-at-home orders: > HERE. I commend initiatives like Kings Cross Police visits and food parcels for isolated older people: > HERE.
Masks are mandatory in all residential common areas. This covers strata, social housing or company title apartments and your building manager should have distributed posters. NSW Health has a multi-lingual poster: > HERE.