Cycling Links

Cycling Links

I welcome the joint Commonwealth, State and City of Sydney commitment to a cycleway along Oxford Street from Hyde Park to Centennial Park, linking the eastern suburbs to the city and existing cycleways on Bourke Street and Castlereagh Street and into the CBD. There is limited information about the proposal so far; the government’s media release: > HERE.

I also welcome the media reports about the government reconsidering the temporary bike diversion around the Fort Street Public School redevelopment are correct: > HERE. I supported residents’ requests that the cycleway be completed first. There has been a long term conflict between vehicles, bike riders and school students at this location and the former minister said the Sydney Harbour Bridge cycleway would go ahead in December 2016. 

You can comment until 9 April on the Pitt Street popup cycleway, proposed to continue as temporary for two years while a permanent cycleway is built: > HERE. You can comment on the proposal to continue the temporary popup cycleway on Moore Park Road and Fitzroy Street until 9 April HERE. The proposed Oxford Street route will replace this.

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