

(Community Recognition Statement, Tuesday 11 May, Legislative Assembly NSW Parliament)  

On behalf of the Sydney Electorate I commend the innovative homelessness service Dignity, who provide temporary accommodation with personalised wrap-around support to people experiencing or facing homelessness.

Dignity treats people who need a home as guests, giving them safe, comfortable, homely accommodation where their autonomy and self-determination is fostered. Guests are given access to new clothing, personal items, nutritious home-cooked meals and support tailored to their specific needs. Dignity has no prerequisites or limitations on access, but welcomes all people including rough sleepers, those escaping domestic violence and those leaving prison. Onsite support workers help guests with immediate needs, day to day support and early help before issues escalate. I was inspired by Dignity's evidence based approach to supporting individuals and families on my recent visit. I saw volunteers cooking delicious Dignity Dishes and learned about their community education and engagement programs. Guests from the inner city, suburbs and regional areas were all warmly welcomed and respected. The success of Dignity's model of trust and empowerment is evident in their ability to transition people on to stable housing. I congratulate and thank the Dignity team for their extraordinary work.

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