Fake Fur

Fake Fur

The Four Paws report ‘The Frightening Reality of the Fur Industry’ exposes the cruel fur trade and mislabelling of products in an unregulated market.

The study uncovered genuine animal skin falsely labelled and sold as fur to unsuspecting consumers > HERE. A number of councils have now banned the use of public land for the fur trade in support of action against cruelty, including the City of Sydney and Inner West Council.

More than 70 per cent of Australians are concerned about the fur industry and an increasing number of fashion brands are making sure their supply chains are fur free. I’ve joined MLCs Emma Hurst (Animal Justice Party), Adam Searle (ALP), Abigail Boyd (Greens), Fred Nile (CDP) and Justin Field to call on the Premier for regulation of this industry. Our letter > HERE.

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