Fires and Energy
Both the NSW and federal Parliament resume next week and the bushfire crisis will be top of mind for all members. Like a number of colleagues from the government, cross-bench and opposition, I’m greatly concerned that we need to do more to address global warming and the dangerous weather conditions it is creating.
Currently, parts of the Australian economy unsustainably rely on coal mining and exports. When coal is burned it releases great amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that trap heat causing hotter weather. The link between emissions and climate change is clear, and it is creating unstable and extreme weather conditions across Australia.
For the sake of our environment and our future we must transition away from coal. For the sake of the communities currently reliant on the coal industry we must do it in a sustainable and responsible way. Last year, I established an inquiry into the sustainability of NSW’s energy supply and what impacts this may have on coal producing regions. We will soon begin hearings and site visits to help us establish a plan to change energy supply which also supports, retrains and invests in sustainable jobs and industries in communities that currently rely on coal.
You can follow the inquiry’s work at HERE
The City of Sydney has an extensive list of practical action you can take to reduce emissions: HERE - including for renters. There’s also a good introduction to using green power to do your bit to move towards renewable power: HERE.