Give a Dog a Bone: Keep Kitty Happy Christmas Appeal
(Community Recognition Statement, 10 February 2021, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney Electorate, I recognise Nicola Addison and the 'Give a Dog a Bone Keep Kitty Happy' Christmas Appeal.
The volunteer-run appeal has provided toys, food and treats to animals for the last 13 years. Sadly, the 2020 appeal was cancelled due to COVID-19. The appeal asks people to add an item for a dog or cat to their shopping basket and drop it at a donation point, where volunteers collect and deliver to animal shelters, rescue groups and homelessness services across Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and the Central Coast. Nicola started small collecting donations from her friends, family and social network to support companion animals of people who are homeless and pets in shelters and foster care in 2007, and by 2019 the appeal provided food and toys to 25 organisations from a range of donation drop off points, including the Sydney electorate office. I thank Nicola and the dedicated volunteers for their contribution to helping homeless pets, and look forward to working with them again in the future.