Greyhound Deaths
The NSW Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission's disciplinary decisions show the shocking number of charges in the first four months of 2024 alone: 60 charges against 34 NSW greyhound racing participants. These include drugging greyhounds, misconduct and bringing the 'sport' into disrepute, flagrant breaches of the rules, regulations and welfare standards, and serious, unacceptable animal welfare issues and neglect.
Since then, Qantas Freight has suspended supporting the export of greyhounds to the USA and the minister has asked the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission to report on the industry adoption program. I’ve lodged questions in parliament about what action the government will take on the continuing litany of deaths and cruelty > HERE.
With major parties supporting the industry, it will be difficult to get real reform. I encourage you to link up with Animal Liberation > HERE and/or the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds > HERE.