Grim State of the Environment

Grim State of the Environment

The latest State of the Environment report shows nature and the ecological systems we rely upon are in serious trouble > HERE.

It documents Australia’s environment as poor and deteriorating because of increasing pressures from climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and resource extraction.

Extreme weather across the planet shows that climate change is well underway and urgent action is needed. We depend on these ecosystems for our survival and wellbeing > HERE.

There are campaigns calling for national environment laws to protect our country’s unique places, plants, animals and ecosystems for future generations along with. Sign the ACF petition > HERE or their email campaign to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek > HERE.

Coal and gas mines are still approved without any environmental assessment of climate impacts from burning the fuels after extraction. This is a significant gap in the law and I encourage you to share the open letter calling for all climate impacts to be included in environmental impact assessments > HERE.

We can all take action where we live to green and rewild the city providing new local wildlife habitat and trees > HERE. 

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!