Healthy Homes

Healthy Homes

More people are renting in Australia, and renting for longer, but rented homes are often too hot in summer, and too cold in winter and they result in unaffordable energy bills.

As climate change contributes to hotter and longer heatwaves, summer will become unbearable for some people in rental properties.

Property investors should be required to implement basic measures that would make a rented home healthy to live in and cheaper to run. Legally enforceable energy efficiency standards would require landlords to retrofit rental properties to make them cooler in summer, warmer in winter and lower energy bills. Sign the ACOSS petition calling for a new approach > HERE.

I asked the housing minister to retrofit social housing properties to make them more energy and water efficient > HERE, and more of them accessible for those with limited mobility > HERE. I’ve asked the planning minister for stronger building sustainability and accessibility standards for new residential properties > HERE and support for solar panels on rental properties > HERE.

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