Inner Sydney High School
(Community Recognition Statement, 8 June 2021, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I put on record the inspiring work put into designing and developing the Inner Sydney High School, after touring the building, witnessing the facilities and hearing from the principal, teachers and students.
Architects Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) have designed a school that integrates new and heritage buildings on a very constrained site and provides an amazing range of flexible learning, study, exercise and social spaces, informed by energy efficiency and ecologically sustainable development principles. The school shares some of Prince Alfred Park and an MOU with the City of Sydney will allow community access to some school facilities out of hours. This school has a special significance for me: my first major campaign as the new Member for Sydney was advocating for a much-needed new high school – all the local high schools were full. The excellent community campaign from CLOSE‑Community for Local Options for Secondary Education resulted in this excellent resource. I thank principal Robyn Matthews, her team and the students for the amazing work done to build a new school with a strong inclusive culture that will nurture our future leaders.