Lockout Review
For over five years, blanket 1.30 am lockouts have crippled Sydney’s inner city night time economy. Change is overdue and last year the former minister told me there would be a review of the liquor laws this year. I have asked the new minister to ensure that the review considers relaxing the lockouts. The 2016 Callinan review was restricted to reporting on the impacts of the lockouts and not whether they should or could be removed. We know other measures like saturation zoning, late night transport and renewable late night licences would ensure we retain the safety benefits. My letter: HERE
The City of Sydney is set to approve its Draft Sydney Development Control Plan: Late Night Trading 2018 following recent consultation. The plan identifies precincts and their trading areas and while it does not impact on liquor licensing laws, which are under NSW Government control, it will help diversify the late night economy.