Marriage Equality
6 June 2016
Join me US ‘Freedom to Marry’ leader Evan Wolfson, Irish ‘Yes Equality’ Political Director Tiernan Brady and AME’s Shirleene Robinson at a panel debate on the Australian marriage equality campaign and the lessons we can learn from overseas. Lessons from the US and Ireland is 3-5pm Saturday 11 June at Pitt Street Uniting Church 264 Pitt St, Sydney. RSVP HERE.
Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians (PFLAG) NSW has Susan Cottrell, founder of FreedHearts running three workshops for LGBTQ+ people, allies and parents focused on faith and sexuality.
Working for Inclusion in the Conservative Church: Saturday 18 June, 9am-12.30pm at St James Hall, Level 1, 169 Phillip Street Sydney. RSVP HERE.
Mending Family, Church and Community Wounds: Saturday 18 June 1.30-5pm at St James Hall, Level 1, 169 Phillip Street Sydney. RSVP HERE.
Loving your LGBTQ Children and Strengthening your Faith: Sunday 19 June 2-5pm at Pilgrim House 262 Pitt Street Sydney. RSVP HERE.