Mary Mortimer

Mary Mortimer

(Community Recognition Statement, Tuesday 23 March, Legislative Assembly NSW Parliament) 

On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I would like to put on record another strong female community leader from Pyrmont – Mary Mortimer. 

Friends of the Pyrmont Community Centre group was an early initiative of Mary and partner Donald Denoon, liaising with the City of Sydney to make sure the facility meets local needs and expands as the community has expanded. The groups and activities Mary's started or contributes to include Landcare, Pyrmont Sings, Pyrmont History Group, monthly community dinners and the huge fundraising effort Christmas in Pyrmont. She continues to be a strong advocate for sporting and recreation facilities on the peninsula, along with active transport. Mary has gone on to play a vital community coordinating role, bringing together local groups and initiatives to build a strong community voice through the Council of Pyrmont/Ultimo Associations and a strategic approach to planning for the area. I know Mary as someone who is always searching for ways to improve the area and build a stronger community. I thank Mary for nearly two decades of strong progressive leadership and active community building. Her contribution has made inner Sydney a more inclusive and more just place.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!