Premier Must Move Forward on Cycling Infrastructure: MEDIA RELEASE
Member for Sydney Alex Greenwich has called on the NSW Premier to act on central Sydney cycling infrastructure.
“The Premier introduced the bill to set up the Central Sydney Traffic and Transport Committee, claiming that it would ensure an effective and efficient transport network. It was supposed to meet at least four times each year”
“Instead there is inaction, delay and confusion. The Committee has not met, has not made decisions, and the much-touted Central Sydney Access Strategy has not been done. “The Premier must get on with the job. It is not good enough to leave big gaps in safe cycling routes.
“There has been a massive increase in the number of cyclists. The latest independent counts from last month show a 113 per cent increase in bike numbers since counting began in March 2010. The average increase was 118 per cent in the morning peak and 108 per cent increase in the afternoon peak.
“I regularly hear complaints from pedestrians, cyclists and motorists about the need for safe cycling routes: - Pedestrians want cyclists off footpaths where they shouldn’t be riding; - Motorists want cyclists on quieter roads where they are not at risk of fast moving through traffic; and - Cyclists want to be on safe routes where they won’t be hit by car doors or be run over.
“The Government has great cycling strategies and policies, but has not followed through.
“The Minister for Health’s response to my Question in Parliament shows that the Government recognises the health benefits of cycling, with research and engagement to encourage cycling.
Alex’s Question in Parliament is HERE
Further Reporting HERE
For more information contact Alex Greenwich on 02 9360 3053