Millers Point Community Working Group

Millers Point Community Working Group

(Community Recognition Statement, 28 May 2014, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

I put on record the inspiring support and collective action of the Millers Point Community Working Party following the Government's decision to remove all social housing tenants from the area. This close-knit and supportive community has rallied to provide support to those who have been told that they have to leave their homes and community. The Millers Point Community Working Party has brought together public, community and co-op housing tenants, along with other residents who value the mixed and diverse community in this precinct. The group's focus is to ensure support for residents who are being forced to relocate and to oppose the large-scale relocation and sale of assets, and the break-up of this community whose social significance is recognised on the State Heritage Register. I am proud to be working with the Millers Point Community Working Party and the Millers Point community to retain and maintain social housing in Sydney. I thank the City of Sydney for the legal and funding support it has given the group.

Let's work together to celebrate and protect our great city!