Monica Barone
(Community Recognition Statement, 4 August 2020, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I congratulate City of Sydney CEO Monica Barone and the council for success in the 2020 Minister's Awards for Women in Local Government. Monica won the 2020 Champion of Change Award, which recognises excellence in supporting women's participation.
Her leadership has seen the council forging ahead with Sustainable Sydney, driving environmental, social, and renewal initiatives like Green Square, CBD light rail, the Better Buildings Partnership, coordinating bushfires support to regional councils and Resilient Sydney. The City of Sydney's Employment Diversity Award recognises the City increasing female participation in senior leadership. Since 2009, the City of Sydney has implemented a comprehensive strategy to advance women in leadership and promote full participation, including voluntary public gender pay gap reporting since 2016. The City of Sydney outperforms other Australian employers, with more women in higher paying jobs and leadership, very high return to work after maternity leave, female promotion equal to males, women in half its leadership positions, and women gaining access to higher education. Outstanding results and high levels of satisfaction on workplace flexibility, employee engagement and pay show a positive inclusive culture that well deserve recognition.