Monica Chehab
(Community Recognition Statement, 22 February 2022, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I'd like to record the 25 years of dedicated community service of Monica Chehab.
Monica has worked in several Salvation Army services in the inner city and has spent the last twelve years supporting vulnerable communities at Sydney Streetlevel Mission, a vital service for vulnerable people in the inner city. Monica's warm hospitality and delicious cooking has been enjoyed by many and she is known for her ability to bring people together and foster connections among visitors, staff and volunteers. Monica has helped community members build self-confidence and practical living skills by teaching them to cook and encouraging supportive relationships. I have seen how visitors are warmly welcomed and respected at Streetlevel and Monica's commitment to supporting others through community engagement, education and sharing of food is inspiring. It is evident that Monica is well-loved and appreciated by those who have worked with her and met her through this work. I congratulate and thank Monica for her commitment to supporting vulnerable people in the inner city and for her significant years of service.