Monday 26 July 2017
NAIDOC or National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee Week originated with the 1938 Day of Mourning and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. NAIDOC is 2-9 Julywith the theme ‘Our languages matter’. Check the Indigenous Language map, which locates the 250 odd original language groups across the country, of which only 120 are still spoken, HERE.
NSW Parliament has an event for school age children Tuesday 4 July 10am-3pm, with Aboriginal storytelling, art and crafts, didgeridoo, dances and Dharawal language workshops plus an optional BBQ ($3 sausage sandwich). Bookings essential: telephone 9230 2047 or email [email protected].
The NAIDOC Woolloomooloo Committee is showing The Sapphires film 5.30pm Thursday 6 JulyForbes Street Woolloomooloo (rug up for the cold). Join me at the annual NAIDOC Week Festival Saturday 8 July 10am-4pm in the Forbes Street reserve. Information: WEAVE Community Hub, telephone 9331 2153. More NAIDOC Week events, City od Sydney LGA HERE, Woollahra Council LGA HERE.