New High School For Inner-City Welcomed
Alex Greenwich, the Independent Member for Sydney, has welcomed plans for a much needed Inner-City High School at Cleveland Street Intensive English School site. Along with local parents, Mr Greenwich has pursued the use of this site for a comprehensive high school since being elected. The media report of the government's announcement is HERE.
Mr Greenwich said:
“This announcement is a great win for the inner-city community. We have collected thousands of petition signatures, engaged in regular consultation with the education department, and actively lobbied the government on the need for a comprehensive inner-city high school ”
"From my very first question in parliament, I have pursued this site for a high school for my electorate, it is close to transport and open and recreational space at Prince Alfred Park".
Mr Greenwich will write to the Education Minister to request the catchment boundaries for the high-school extend to Paddington and Woollahra:
"Catchment boundaries will need to re-drawn to accommodate families in Paddington and Woollahra, who nearest high schools are too far to filling up"
Mr Greenwich cautioned that the new high school should not be contingent on the government's proposed sale of poles and wires:
"The Government has already received a huge financial windfall in the stamp duty raised from families moving into the inner-city. This desperately needed new high school should not be contingent on a deal the public knows very little about".
Mr Greenwich can be contacted on 02 9360 3053 for further comment.