Powerhouse Renewal
The Powerhouse museum has suffered from a lack of certainty since the government said it would move its collection to Parramatta.
Even after relocation plans were dumped, the future of the site has remained unclear, so I welcome a proposed concept plan to ensure the museum’s ongoing use of the land.
The new plans would reorientate the museum entrance to the Good Line and support space for museum operations, exhibitions, programs and associated industry and creative uses, with a focus on design and fashion. There would be visitor accommodation on the land for Powerhouse visitors. I am concerned that proposed new bulk and scale would shadow nearby homes, obscure views of heritage buildings from the public domain and remove much-needed public open space. It is also a shame that loss of more Centenary architecture is planned with demolition of the Wran building.
I encourage everyone to assess the plans and make a submission. Please send a copy to my office. Details are available at Powerhouse Ultimo Renewal | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment (nsw.gov.au)