(Community Recognition Notices, 21 December, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
On behalf of the Sydney Electorate I thank Re-Love for supporting people in need with practical and immediate assistance to set up a home. Through donations and partnerships Re-Love rescues furniture, appliances and home essentials destined for landfill and redistributes them to families who have been impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, natural disasters and incarceration. Since 2019 Re-Love have diverted 2.5 thousand tonnes of waste from landfill. They rescue quality furniture from corporate relocations, and excess stock and seconds from retail outlets, allowing them to distribute $12 million worth of goods into the community to date. Their dedicated volunteers provide twenty-two thousand hours of labour per year in the warehouse, delivering goods and setting up homes. Re-Love take referrals from community service organisations such as Wayside Chapel, Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre and WEAVE. People are welcomed with dignity to the Re-Love warehouse and encouraged to choose their own items to furnish their home at no cost to them