Short Term Rent Regulation
Friday 21 April 2017
The government’s response to the ‘Inquiry into the Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in NSW’ is positive, with an options paper on regulation to be released for public comment. I’ve called for wide community consultation. There is widespread concern that the inquiry recommendations needed refinement: short term letting platforms have a place but laws have to limit impacts on neighbours and the community and protect residents’ rights to the quiet enjoyment of their homes.
Strata communities should be empowered to make decisions for their buildings. Most people I’ve heard from don’t want an outright ban, but want to manage impacts and prevent their buildings turning into de facto hotels. Different rules may be needed for people who let out a room in their home while they are there, people who let their home out for a period while they are away and investors who let out properties permanently. Inquiry details HERE.