Sirius Campaign
Monday 29 January 2018
I nominated Myra Demetriou as the Sydney electorate 2018 Woman of the Year in recognition of her strong advocacy on this campaign and her contribution to the local community over 60 years. Myra has been a voice for social justice, equality and a fair go throughout her life, and been the voice and face of the Save Sirius campaign. I joined other MPs and Lord Mayor Clover Moore to speak at Myra’s farewell party.
While it was sad to see Myra have to leave her home – the last from Sirius – and follow all those others who have been forced out of the area, the campaign against the sale of this purpose-built social housing will continue. The campaign is working on a project to try to buy the building in order to keep inner city social housing. Support the Save Our Sirius campaign:
A draft planning policy for Sirius is on exhibition for public comment until 16 February, which would allow any redevelopment of the site for residential, commercial and retail uses and maximum building heights across the site only below the height of the Sydney Harbour Bridge deck although existing heights could be permitted if the buildings is retained. Details: HERE.