SOS Women's Services Campaign
(Community Recognition Statement, 5 November 2014, Legislatively Assembly, NSW Parliament)
I commend the strong campaign by SOS Women's Services to reinstate funding for inner-city women's refuges. This group has achieved restoration of funding and buildings to Detour House, the Young People's Refuge, the B Miles Women's Foundation, Stepping Out and the CRC Women's Program. These organisations help vulnerable women and girls through difficult circumstances. The SOS campaign drew attention to the negative impacts of de-funding specialist services in the inner city and activated the wider community, resulting in a 12,000 strong parliamentary petition being lodged.
I was proud to work closely with the campaign, and I thank the Minister for Family and Community Services for listening and acting to keep these services. Women without a home who have experienced serious disability, mental illness, addiction, abuse and violence will continue to get a temporary home and practical help to get back on their feet and back into stable housing. This inspiring group has made a real difference to the lives of women in need. I hope that their success will encourage other campaigns and members of Parliament to continue to fight for services still at risk.