Stadium Flip
Tuesday 10 April 2018
The NSW Government has seen it makes sense to refurbish ANZ Stadium and save money for other priorities but it is pushing ahead with a knock-down and rebuild of the 30-year old Allianz Stadium. The SCG Trust is getting what it wants despite plans being hugely unpopular across the state.
The process has been shambolic with announcements made on the run without evidence of public benefit. The government has now been forced to table documents about the plans, allowing some scrutiny.
I remain concerned about impacts on Moore Park from crowd spill; my recent meeting with the trust identified proposals for paved pathways through the park. The parklands continue to be subject to encroachments including from the Tibby Cotter Bridge and the light rail, and soon from road and intersection expansions associated with WestConnex.
With the government removing all recurrent funding, Moore Park is suffering from a lack of investment. The government must start to prioritise community recreation and ensure people can get fresh air, exercise and respite.
Sign my petition against the stadium plan HERE.