Salvation Army Streetlevel Surry Hills
(Community Recognition Statement, 22 October 2015, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
I speak today to commend the work of the Salvation Army Streetlevel service in Surry Hills.
Streetlevel provides non-discriminatory open door access to vulnerable people who may be homeless, have a mental illness or disability, have an alcohol/drug/gambling problem or live in poverty, including many local social housing tenants.
My office regularly refers people to Streetlevel for help with forms and we know that they will get hands-on help negotiating with bureaucracies. They hold regular community events, breakfasts, groups and classes, ensuring that isolated people don’t have to be alone.
I was pleased to attend a Lesbian and Gay Mardi Gras event where I experienced Streetlevel’s active acceptance of everyone.
The outreach street teams helping young people stuck in the city late at night also work from this base.
I congratulate the Streetlevel team for their inclusive service and express my appreciation for the help they provide.