Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre's Community Cafes CRS

Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre's Community Cafes CRS

(Community Recognition Statement, 5 June 2024, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

On behalf of the Sydney electorate, I commend the Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre for the Northcott Cafe (on Wednesdays) and Friday Cafe which have been operating for over two years, strengthening our social fabric and benefiting our most vulnerable community members. The Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre's original cafe started over 10 Years ago meeting monthly. It was closed due to COVID-19 and then reimagined in its present form to meet bi-weekly. Both community cafes provide connection, conversation, friendship, nutrition, health promotion, and access to services for 42 weeks a year.

Each week, Friday Cafe serves 60 to 90 and the Northcott Cafe serves 120 to 200 community members, with free baked goods, bread and hot beverages, along with affordable quiche, salad, and cake. Services accessible include a Justice of the Peace, Services Australia, Seniors Rights Service, People with Disability Australia, computer support, Homeless Persons Legal Centre, Counterpoint Community Services, Gamble Aware, Kirketon Road Centre, Junction Neighbourhood Centre-Aged Care Services, and gentle exercise for seniors by St Vincent's Community Health. I commend the Surry Hills Neighbourhood Centre for providing vulnerable members of our community a sense of belonging; the foundation of a thriving community.

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