Pages tagged "Animal Welfare"
Companion Animals Amendment
(Bills - Second Reading Debate, 6 June 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
Read moreKosciuszko Wild Horses
(Bills - Second Reading Debate, 5 June 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
Read moreLive Export Rally
Monday 4 June 2018
The Animal Justice Party is holding a rally calling for a ban on live export following the dismal federal government response to the latest in a long series of mass deaths and cruel treatment on ships. The event is Saturday 9 June 11am-12pm at Sydney Town Hall, information HERE.
Cage Egg Ban
(Private Members Statement, 15 May 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
The Sydney Electorate has many strong advocates for animals. Like many other members of this house I have been contacted by a large number of constituents asking me to support a ban on cage eggs.
I strongly oppose factory farming, including battery egg production.
Read moreCircus Animals
Monday 5 March 2018
I will sponsor an Animal Justice Party bill in the lower House to restrict the types of animals that can be used in circuses.Forcing animals to undergo a lifetime of travelling long distances, being trapped in tiny cages and subjected to harsh training regimes so they can do tricks on command is a cruel and archaic form of entertainment. Making wild and non-domestic animals perform unnatural stunts is fast becoming unacceptable in society and it’s time the Parliament put an end to this cruelty.
Sign the petition to show your support for reform HERE.
Battery Hens
Tuesday 27 February 2018
More than a thousand people contacted me about the draft Poultry Code – there is strong community opposition to cruel factory farming and I thank all those who took the time to give feedback to the government. My submission called for stronger standards and a ban on cage egg farming, see HERE.
I intend to follow up again in Parliament and keep the pressure on for reform.