Pages tagged "Housing"

Unaffordable Housing

Monday 16 July 2018

In Parliament, I supported Member for Newtown Jenny Leong’s motion on the affordable housing crisis. Anglicare's research shows only 1 per cent of private rentals are affordable for people on low incomes across Sydney, and it is worse in the inner city. About 40,000 people are sleeping rough every night and 60,000 families are waiting for social housing.

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Sexual Assault Survivors

Monday 9 July 2018

I’m pleased that the government new sexual assault strategy includes priority social housing for survivors of childhood sexual assault, which was introduced in response to my advocacy after I heard terrible stories of abuse from constituents. I congratulate the government on developing a strategy that responds to recommendations from the Royal Commission for action on prevention, early intervention, education and support. My question in Parliament: HERE and the strategy: HERE.

Supporting Social Housing

Monday 2 July 2018

Given the final court appeal for tenants in Millers Point has been lost, ongoing City of Sydney support for social housing is very welcome, with Lord Mayor Clover Moore again calling on the government to retain and re-tenant the remaining 26 vacant homes that have not been sold yet, to keep the Sirius building and not sell any further properties. I’ve repeatedly called for the government to retain all inner city low cost housing.

My most recent questions ask the government to return some of the tenants forced to leave Millers Point to the homes included in the 28 properties we saved from the sales program that remain empty. My questions: HERE and Clover Moore’s Lord Mayoral Minute: HERE.

Letting Law

Monday 25 June 2018

The Legislative Assembly passed my amendment to ensure that the government’s short term letting bill provides for a registration system to enforce laws and collect data.  

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Short Term Rental Amendment

(Bills - Consideration in detail, 20 June 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

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I move amendment No. 1 standing in my name on sheet C2018-079:

No. 1 Registration of premises used for short-term rental accommodation

Page 3, Schedule 1, proposed section 54B. Insert after line 43:

(c) provide for the registration of residential premises used for the purposes of short-term rental accommodation arrangements and for the registration system to include details about when residential premises are used for those purposes, and

The amendment is a straightforward one. It ensures that the short-term rental code of conduct in the Fair Trading Amendment (Short-Term Rental Accommodation) Bill 2018 can include a mandatory registration system where all hosts add their premises to a register and provide data on the nights that they are there on a short-term basis

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Short Term Rental Bill

(Bills - Second Reading Debate, 20 June 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

The Fair Trading Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) Bill 2018 gives owners' corporations a statutory power to ban short-term rentals in their building by special resolution for lots that are not the host's principal place of residence. In situations where a lot is the host's principal place of residence, the bill includes an express prohibition on by-laws that control or limit short‑term renting. The bill also provides a framework for a mandatory code of conduct for short-term rental participants, which I understand is aimed at preventing party houses.

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Affordable Housing

(Motions, 21 June 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

I commend the member for Newtown for bringing this important motion to the House and for working with the Government and Opposition to garner unanimous support. New South Wales has an affordable housing crisis. Tonight in our State some 40,000 people will sleep rough. That is equivalent to almost an entire electorate of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Clearly, more action is needed in this area.

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Short Term Letting

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Our community campaign got the government to give owners’ corporations the power to ban holiday lets for lots that are not the “principal place of residence” of the host, but this very limited power will do little to stop buildings turning into quasi hotels.

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Short Term Letting

Thursday 24 May 2018

The community message that short term letting must be properly regulated is reaching government members, with a retreat from a reported policy that would have allowed homes to be let out to visitors for half a year with no rights for apartment buildings to set their own rules.

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Housing Abuse Survivors

Thursday 17 May 2018

In response to my request, the Minister for Social Housing will recognise the far-reaching and ongoing impacts on survivors of childhood institutional sexual abuse by making this a qualification for urgent social housing. The serious impacts like mental illness, addiction, self-harm and other destructive behaviours can contribute to and entrench homelessness. Priority for urgent social housing for eligible survivors of institutional child sexual abuse will provide real help for healing and recognise the role of successive governments in allowing and covering up this horrific abuse.

My question and the minister’s response is HERE