Pages tagged "Transport"

Kids on Bikes

Monday 16 July 2018

I’ve asked the minister to review the rules which force children between 12 and 16 to ride on the road. The rule applies even on heavy arterial roads with fast moving traffic and puts young people who are not experienced riders in conflict cars. It also has ridiculous anomalies which mean a 12 year old must ride on the road while their parent and younger sibling can ride on the footpath. New South Wales is the only state other than Victoria with this rule. I will follow up again about the outcome of the promised Centre for Road Safety review, see HERE. Support the community reform campaign HERE

Cutler Footway

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Work is due to start on a new footway attached to the Burton Street viaduct, including drainage and work in Boundary Street and Barcom Avenue. Free 389 bus travel remains in place for those unable to use the stairs up and down across the road. Details HERE.

Light Rail Inquiry

Monday 28 May 2018

The Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee has a formal Inquiry into the CBD and South East Light Rail construction impacts on residents and businesses. The Inquiry will consider financial and amenity impacts, compensation, communication about project delays and financial compensation. Details HERE.

Minerva/Metro Listing

Tuesday 29 May 2018

I’ve supported the community campaign for listing of the Art Deco Minerva/Metro Theatre in Potts Point, asking the Minister for Heritage to include this building and its façade, principal rooms and original ceilings, cornices, joinery, flooring and fireplaces on the State Heritage Register. Read my letter HERE

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Developer Metro

Thursday 17 May 2018

‘Special interests’ continue to get government favours with approval for Macquarie Bank’s two towers over the Martin Place Metro Station despite planning breaches for excessive floor space and shadowing of Hyde Park and the public domain. To deal with the breaches the planning minister just changed the Local Environment Plan to make the development compliant – a process known as spot rezoning that encourages a culture of development deals for mates. Meanwhile the minister has been sitting for two years on the City of Sydney’s proposed amended LEP that would protect CBD open space while setting aside areas for higher development.

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Harbour Tunnel Plan

Thursday 17 May 2018

Yet another disgraceful road expansion associated with the WestConnex has been submitted, with the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link project, which includes a new tunnel beneath Sydney Harbour to link WestConnex at Rozelle with the Warringah Freeway. I understand that this proposal includes a construction site for the huge concrete tubes to build the tunnel and store dredged contaminated sediment at White Bay. The proposal will soon be on exhibition and I encourage people to keep informed Information HERE.

Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill 2018

(Bills - Second Reading Debate, May 2 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

The Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Metro) Bill establishes Sydney Metro as a statutory corporation to deliver the metro project and develop land around metro stations, depots and stabling yards. The metro is an important public transport project that runs through my electorate. It will add much needed heavy rail capacity at a time when investment in sustainable transport is essential. But I share the concerns of the Opposition that the changes to Sydney Metro are about privatising metro planning. 

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Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Road Safety) Bill 2018

(Bills - Second Reading Debate, May 1 2018, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)

The Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Road Safety) Bill adds cocaine to the list of drugs for which it is an offence to drive with a detectable amount in one’s system. The bill also increases offences for driving under the influence of drugs, gives police greater powers to stop someone driving their vehicle if they are suspected of driving under the influence, and provides for the adoption of enforcement measures for the offence of using a mobile phone while driving. I will limit my brief contribution to the addition of cocaine to what is known as the “presence offence”. 

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Westconnex Deals

Tuesday 1 May 2018

The most destructive part of the WestConnex project – Stage 3 – has received planning approval despite clear community objection and evidence that it will result in disastrous traffic congestion and air pollution.

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Ride2School Day

Monday 19 March 2018

National Ride to School Day is Friday 23 March, including an event at Bourke Street Public School where a huge number of students ride using the Bourke Street cycleway. Details HERE.