Trans Progress
Following the unnecessary and harmful debate about transgender inclusion in sport, I brought a coalition of trans advocates and sporting leaders to meet the Premier, this was the first meeting trans advocates have had with a Premier since 1995.
I was pleased he approached the meeting with an open mind and an open heart, listening to the firsthand challenges the trans community faces and the work sport is doing in this regard. The Premier acknowledged that trans children and services need support and that sporting bodies are well placed to address transgender participation in sport and we agreed I would work with the health minister to address the funding and support needs of the trans community. I look forward to working with the government and members across the political divide to support the trans community.
We were joined by sport advocates, including former Women’s Cricket Captain Alex Blackwell. Thank you to the Gender Centre, Twenty10, Pride in Sport, ACON and Equality Australia representatives for joining the meeting along with parents and sporting advocates.