Update Issue 153
27 January 2016
This issue: Collaborative Economy, Transport Fares, Mardi Gras Parade, Belmore Park, Looking for JPs and I Love Australia
Here is an update of the work I have been doing for the parliament and the community, and information on how you can get involved in local activities.
The Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation has released a position paper covering a range of new ‘collaborative’ business models, such as Uber, GoGet, Airbnb, Couchsurfing, Kickstarter, eBay, Gumtree, StudentVIP and One Big Switch. The paper suggests principles to guide future regulation and is open for comment HERE
I’ve made a submission to IPART about proposals for public transport fares, supporting integrating fares so passengers don’t have to pay twice when changing from one transport mode to another and raising concerns about proposed increases for pensioners and Seniors Card holders. My submission HERE
This year’s Mardi Gras Parade is on Saturday 5 March, and I’ll be marching with Lord Mayor Clover Moore in her 30th anniversary of marching in the parade. Numbers are limited again this year, so register now if you’d like to join us CLICK HERE. For questions please email Paul [email protected] or call Leanne 9360 3053.
I’ve asked the Minister for Social Housing to ensure urgent action to help rough sleepers at Belmore Park. I met earlier with the Sydney City Police Commander who assured me that police would carry out regular patrols. My letter is HERE
I’m helping with the City of Sydney’s regular Summer Street Count 12-4am 23 February, which identifies numbers and patterns of homelessness in the city. Register before 15 February if you’d like to help and learn about homelessness CLICK HERE
As co-patron of the NSW Justices Association Sydney Branch, I’m aware of their work to provide free JP desks and support JPs. They’re seeking more community JPs to staff desks at the Downing Centre, Supreme Court, Town Hall, Kings Cross Library and State Library.
There’s an information session on Tuesday 2 February 11.30am, with guest speaker Sharon Neville from the NSW Forensic & Analytical Science Service at 12.30pm in the Level 2 Conference Room of The Downing Centre Court. Details: [email protected] or telephone Secretary Nicholas McDonald 0412 473 696.
You can search for local JPs HERE.
Join me at the Fusion Culture Group’s free event at Ultimo Community Centre Saturday 30 January from 11.30am. CLICK HERE.
We’ll be celebrating the diversity of people who make Australia home. I’m speaking and judging the art exhibition. Details HERE.