Update Issue 156
Monday, 15 February 2016
SCG Takeover, Liquor Review Begins, Powerhouse Campaign, Vale Robyn Kemmis, Amalgamating Woollahra, Seniors Week and Mardi Gras Kicks Off
Good afternoon leanne
Here is an update of the work I have been doing for the parliament and the community, and information on how you can get involved in local activities.
SCG Takeover
Last week the sports minister used drunken behaviour of some Sydney 7s event patrons as an excuse to again push for a new SCG stadium on Moore Park. I joined Lord Mayor Clover Moore and the members for Newtown and Heffron to condemn the proposal and the following day the Premier retracted. Our very prompt media conference at Kippax Lake and media release showed there would be strong opposition, media release available HERE.
The SCG clearly still wants to build on Moore Park and there are some in government willing to hand over this much needed green public open space for development. We must continue to be vigilant and I encourage you to join the new resident action group formed specifically to save Moore Park at www.facebook.com/SavingMoorePark and www.savingmoorepark.com.
Liquor Review Begins
The review of the ‘lockout laws’ which include 1.30am lockouts, 3am cessation of service in the CBD, Oxford Street Darlinghurst and Kings Cross, 10pm takeaway liquor sales stoppage and risk based licensing has begun. An issues paper will be released for public comment; however the review is also taking comments for this paper and I encourage you to contribute.
There is division in the community about these laws, with some, including hospital emergency services, calling for them to continue indefinitely and be extended across the State, while others, particularly people who go out, calling for them to be overturned. It is critical that all those affected help improve the laws so that Sydney can be both safe and vibrant at night. Details of the review: www.justice.nsw.gov.au/liquorlawreview
Powerhouse Campaign
I’m on the panel at Friday evening’s public meeting about the Powerhouse Museum, where we’ll hear about the latest campaign developments and alert supporters to the Parliamentary debate on 10,000 signature petitions I submitted last year. The public is welcome to watch the debate in the Legislative Assembly 4pm Thursday 25 February.
Join us to show the government that the Powerhouse needs to stay where it is, with exhibitions and new cultural facilities for western Sydney: www.facebook.com/savethepowerhouse
Vale Robyn Kemmis
My office will close for part of Thursday 18 February as we attend the memorial service for Deputy Lord Mayor Robyn Kemmis, who sadly died recently. I worked with Robyn on many local issues and to get help for individual constituents in need, and she will be sorely missed as an advocate for social justice. The memorial is open to the public. Details HERE.
Amalgamating Woollahra
I oppose the forced amalgamation of Woollarah Council with Waverley and Randwick. There is still time for you to make a submission on the proposal to amalgamate Randwick, Waverley and Woollahra councils – closing date is Sunday 28 February. Details HERE.
Seniors Week
Seniors Week concerts this year are on 5 and 6 April at Allphones Arena Sydney Olympic Park, with tickets available from 23 February, information HERE. Congratulations to the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Association, Holdsworth Street Community Centre and WEA Sydney on receiving small grants to run programs during Seniors Week.
Mardi Gras Kicks Off
I’m joining City of Sydney and Woollahra councils for their rainbow flag raising ceremonies on Friday to celebrate the start of the 2016 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras season. And I’ll have a stall at Fair Day on Saturday between 11am and 2pm – come and say hello.
For details about Mardi Gras events: www.mardigras.org.au
Have a great week