World Aids Day
(Community Recognition Statement, 12.18pm 28 November 2013, Legislative Assembly, NSW Parliament)
This Sunday, 1 December, is World AIDS Day, a day that raises awareness across the world and in the community about the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS.
It is a day for people to show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have died from the disease. Amazing progress in drug treatments means that HIV can be managed as a chronic health condition, and the Government has developed a new strategy to address HIV in conjunction with key community representatives. The Ending HIV campaign encourages people to be tested and consider early treatment in order to take control of their health and help prevent new infections.
This week I joined the Minister for Health, the member for Coogee, representatives from the Department of Health and ACON to launch a pop-up rapid HIV testing clinic at Taylor Square. I understand that many people have already been tested at the pop-up clinic and thank the Government for its support in encouraging gay men in my electorate to test regularly and get results quickly. In my electorate the Surry Hills Community Drug Action Team will again hold a stall at the local market, informing and educating community members about HIV and its prevention.