Greenwich to introduce Business Voting Bill Concerns with Shooters Bill

Greenwich to introduce Business Voting Bill Concerns with Shooters Bill

"This Thursday I will introduce my bill to help businesses exercise their right to vote in City of Sydney elections, after consulting with residents, businesses and property owners.

I am concerned the government is rushing through a Shooters and Fishers bill without consultation and which could allow vested interests to rort the voting system, drowning out the voice and vote of small businesses and residents"
"The businesses I talk to love the work Clover is doing, their concern is serious corruption allegations against liberal party members and the impact this is having on our State and city”
“My bill will establish a permanent business and ratepayers electoral register, which the electoral commission will use to create the business and ratepayers roll before an election.
“Businesses will be able to be included on the register at any time allowing the Electoral Commissioner to run ongoing education programs on business voting rights. The bill would require the Commissioner to contact all businesses and ratepayers before an election to confirm details and establish an accurate roll. This will guarantee the integrity of the election,” 
“My proposal would ensure the independent Electoral Commissioner is responsible for the roll, keeping it at arms-length form any politically motivated council interference.
“My proposal improves the current system, is simple and inexpensive to implement, and would achieve the desired outcome of greater business participation in local democracy,”
I urge the government not to rush the Shooters and Fishers bill through, but to consult with businesses, residents, the City of Sydney and local representatives to ensure democracy in local government elections."

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